
A shared vision for the ESCRS IOL Calculator


A shared vision for the ESCRS IOL Calculator

The ESCRS IOL Calculator is a valuable online tool designed to assist ophthalmologists in calculating the power of intraocular lenses (IOLs). An intraocular lens (IOL) is a tiny artificial lens that replaces the natural lens of the eye during cataract surgery or refractive lens exchange. The natural lens becomes cloudy due to cataracts, affecting vision. IOLs restore clear vision by focusing light onto the retina. Calculating the correct IOL power is crucial for achieving optimal vision after surgery. Different formulas exist because no single formula fits all eyes equally well. This means that surgeons need to enter the measurements from the patient into different online calculation tools and compare the results. This is an arduous task open to error and the need to automate this would benefit the 7.5k members of ESCRS and the wider ophthalmology community as a whole.

Brand European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons

Industry Non-profit

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ESCRS IOL Calculator

Originally the idea of Dr. Dante Luis Buosanti, an ophthalmologist working in Argentina, who, in 2019, was growing increasingly frustrated with the amount of time he was having to spend inputting formulae manually into devices. Equipment would need updates with the latest formulae at certain intervals, and this also was a manual process. If a calculation is off, it has serious implications for a patient post-surgery, so it is crucial surgeons can trust the calculations and results they are using for the operations. Other surgeons had shared their own calculators online to help the ophthalmology community with achieving good results for their patients, but these were all disparate and not easily comparable. Dr. Buosanti approached one of the leading calculator creators Dr. Hoffer to collaborate on creating a platform that would bring together the top IOL calculators to optimise this process and enable surgeons to easily compare results. As this idea needed wider support, an association was pitched the concept but sadly they declined but that didn’t stop the two from pursuing another route via ESCRS to support the development. ESCRS saw the impact such a tool could have for the community and backed the project, enlisting help from their members and strategic partners, with work commencing on the IOL Calculator in November 2020. 

Dr. Buosanti continues to play a key role, collaborating with ESCRS board members Oliver Findl [past president] and Filomena Ribeiro [current president], along with the support of Adi Abulafia, Miguel Raimundo and Giacomo Savini. The IOL Committee is made up of 6 advisors, and 1 Developer. Their expertise enhanced the calculator’s value and continues to do so.

Here are the key features and benefits:

  • Aggregates Multiple Calculators: The calculator combines results from seven major online IOL calculators into one convenient platform. These calculators include:
    • Barrett Universal II
    • Cooke K6
    • Evo
    • Hill-RBF
    • Hoffer QST
    • Kane
  • Efficient Data Entry: Ophthalmologists can input patient data once, and the calculator automatically retrieves results from all seven calculators. This reduces typing errors and streamlines the process.
  • Comparison and Refractive Outcomes: By presenting multiple results side by side, the ESCRS IOL Calculator allows users to compare outcomes. This feature helps achieve better refractive outcomes for patients.
  • Automated Updates: Since there is no internal calculation, the calculator automatically updates whenever a formula is improved or changed. Users don’t need to perform manual updates.
  • Comprehensive IOL List: The calculator also includes a comprehensive list of IOLs with optimised constants from
  • Additionally, the calculator integrates with the IOLCon database of lenses to automatically suggest the recommended parameters for each formula based on the lens selected by the Ophthalmologist.
  • Easy to Use: Load patient data and choose the desired IOL to get accurate recommendations. It’s a powerful online tool for ophthalmologists.

KPI and Quantitative Data: There were no KPIs defined at the outset, the problem definition is that the formulas are siloed in individual website tools making comparison difficult and time consuming. This was a tool that was seen as a benefit to the community and building it would be the start of a wider engagement. The success is defined by how much it is used and the IOL Calculator is used by around 100k surgeons globally. The ESCRS association has 7.5K members and the IOL Calculator has influenced beyond the association community. Since October 2023, the calculator has processed nearly 3 million calculations worldwide.

ESCRS IOL Calculator 4

The ESCRS IOL Calculator is gathering a lot of anonymised data that can be analysed. Future evolutions are planned to integrate more AI capabilities into the calculator, so that surgeons can better understand the variables between different eye/lens structures and how this is across different countries – from most common to the least common, pre-surgery vs post-surgery too - so all this big data is accumulated and put to good use. It has also demonstrated the value of better integration into different medical systems - the project is inspiring work to create open standards that interface the systems that measure eyes and provide the data into the systems that calculate the optimal configuration of the implanted devices. The user experience for surgeons is also evolving where past calculations can be categorised and easily referenced in the future. This saves time, improves accuracy, and will ultimately benefit patients.

What started as an idea from an ophthalmologist based in Argentina, has turned into a global tool being used by thousands of surgeons. ESCRS saw the potential & championed the vision into reality to support their members and the wider community.


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