How a major sports tournament streamlined operations through the integration of event technology OneSystem Plus

How a major sports tournament streamlined operations through the integration of event technology OneSystem Plus

MCI USA’s client sought to elevate the logistical management of their annual Maui Invitational, the nation's premier early-season college basketball tournament. Given the complexity and high stakes of the event, the company transitioned their event software to OneSystem Plus to streamline operations and enhance the attendee experience.

The Challenge 

Previously, the event's logistical setup and management were conducted through an MCI USA legacy system that often required extensive lead times to implement changes. The process for setting up the event website and managing participant accommodations involved multiple rounds of edits and coordination, which could take up to seven months. 


OneSystem Plus, MCI USA’s AI-enhanced event technology, changed this, providing custom reporting, fast and efficient registration and sourcing management, and more. 


The Results  

The transition to OneSystem Plus brought significant advancements to the Maui Invitational planning process: 


▪️ Efficient event setup and reduced turnaround times: The ability to clone previous event setups for future iterations drastically reduced preparation time, transforming what used to take months into a process that took just a few weeks. This efficiency allowed the event website to go live sooner, enabling quicker market response times and longer promotion periods, directly benefiting early engagement, registrations and logistical planning. 


▪️ Enhanced customization and control: The client gained greater control over the event management process. The ability to make on-the-fly adjustments to text, layout, and package details within the system allowed for quick responses to changing needs and avoided delays typically associated with third-party IT support. This agility was valuable in customizing the attendee experience and managing the complex logistics. OneSystem Plus enabled quick adjustments to sourcing, hotel accommodation packages, and other event specifics that provided real-time responses to changing needs. 


▪️ Customized reporting and insights: Real-time reporting provided the company with detailed insights into event dynamics such as ticket sales and sourcing statistics like hotel bookings. They received weekly updates, helping them manage capacity effectively and avoid overbooking. Using these tailored reports, they could make informed decisions swiftly, ensuring optimal event flow, resource allocation and a smooth attendee experience.  


By leveraging OneSystem Plus, the client streamlined their event management operations and enhanced their ability to host a dynamic and responsive corporate event. This partnership exemplifies how advanced event management systems can transform corporate gatherings from logistically heavy undertakings to engaging experiences that drive business objectives and enhance client satisfaction. 


MCI USA expanded the AI-enhanced capabilities of OneSystem Plus to meet the needs of corporate event planners and marketers. The platform now includes AI-powered features that enable speed and accuracy in critical areas, including messaging, data analytics and customer service. Learn how the advanced features of OneSystem Plus could improve your corporate events. 

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