Launching strategic interventions for an association’s membership and conference revenue growth

Launching strategic interventions for an association’s membership and conference revenue growth

A global networking association for technology law professionals experienced a 16.6% decrease in membership revenue, in addition to a nearly 37% decrease in membership because of event cancellation during the pandemic. This decrease challenged the operational stability of the association and its ability to effectively serve its community. The intertwined nature of membership and conference revenues meant a decline in one area could create financial challenges across the organization. This could lead to a significant reduction in conference attendance, sponsorship and an overall inability to deliver value to members through key global events.

Choosing MCI USA as a Strategic Partner

The association partnered with MCI USA in 2014. MCI USA leveraged a deep understanding of the association’s mission and challenges to navigate the pandemic’s impact on membership retention and growth.

To address the declining trends, MCI USA’s plan included deploying new membership engagement strategies and enhancing conference marketing efforts. Key initiatives included: 

• Enhanced communication: Streamlined the member renewal process through vetted technology tools. 

• Targeted membership campaigns: Introduced a campaign to re-engage lapsed members and adjusted membership terms to offer enhanced value, significantly improving engagement and membership numbers. 

• Dynamic marketing: Leveraged a robust marketing strategy for the association’s large-scale global conference and enhanced social media engagement to boost conference interest and participation.


The strategic initiatives led to a remarkable turnaround in membership and conference participation. From a notable decline in membership numbers during 2021-2022, the association saw a 27% increase in 2022-2023. This positive trend continued into the 2023-2024 period, with membership increasing by more than 7%. These results not only stabilized the association's financial position but also reinforced its capacity to host impactful global conferences, thus securing long-term viability and success. 

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