Leading with a passion for people Chief Financial Officer Rhea Beal

Leading with a passion for people: Chief Financial Officer Rhea Beal

For Rhea Beal, her role as MCI USA’s chief financial officer means more than overseeing the company’s finances and accounting. “I really like the people element,” she explains. “Getting to know the people doing the work and getting to work with colleagues at all levels of the organization — this is something I’ve really enjoyed throughout my career.”

Beal’s passion for people, coupled with over 18 years in the finance industry, led to her promotion to CFO earlier this year, a milestone achievement for the Arlington, Virginia, resident, who has been at MCI USA for three years. “Every year, I try to write down goals — especially goals I want to achieve before I hit certain milestones in my life. I’m so happy I was able to accomplish this one at MCI USA, surrounded by people I enjoy being around.”

As CFO, Beal leads MCI USA’s financial teams and functions, and acts as a steward of the company’s overall financial well-being. Her path into this field began in college with a double major in finance and marketing. “I have always liked math and numbers,” she says. “[The parts that] I liked about marketing I found I could get in finance, as far as autonomy and being able to work with a lot of people on different teams, in different roles and capacities.” 

Beal’s professional journey has been underscored by a continuous quest for knowledge, which led to her earning her MBA from Georgetown University in 2015. Outside of work, Beal says her biggest personal accomplishment is being a mother. “It’s an accomplishment you get reminded of every day, that you’re involved in every day, and it’s truly one of the best and hardest experiences all at the same time.”

In addition to spending time with her two young children and her extended family, Beal says she loves sports — specifically basketball and football — and enjoys being outdoors as much as possible.

At MCI USA, Beal has been able to facilitate the same relationships and camaraderie she values at home, which she says is the most rewarding part about working at the company. “Building true relationships and friendships with people throughout the organization has been really rewarding. MCI does a good job truly valuing people, supporting them, and accepting them for how they authentically show up as themselves. I have felt nothing but supported and valued at MCI, and that is huge. It’s one of the things that keeps me here and motivated to keep going forward.” 

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