In this digital age, it’s no longer enough to solely use traditional marketing methods such as direct mail or print advertising to promote your corporate event. Hyping up your event — or getting attendees excited and prepared to sign up — begins with a marketing plan that outlines the journey from registration to the thank-you-for-coming email. Keep these tactics in mind when developing your digital marketing strategy that will highlight your event and grow your ROI.
Start by Learning Your Audience
Digital influencers and marketing teams are running marathons when it comes to connecting attendees to corporate events. You need to know your audience from head to toe to make an impact. As marketers and influencers, you should continuously learn your audience through market research. When capturing data, consider these four segmentations.
- Demographics: Use this data to capture gender, age, profession, income and family status. This will define the general population of your audience.
- Firmographics: Having a collection of your attendees’ industry/organization, location, size, status/structure and performance will further define the lifestyle of your audience.
- Geographics: Knowing where attendees travel from is insightful, especially when setting up paid ads or posts that allow you to target regions.
- Psychographics: These psychological components play a major role in market research: opinions, beliefs, attitudes, aspirations and other psychological criteria.
Tip: Create target personas by understanding your audience’s needs. By identifying their problems and preferences, you will form strategic messages that relate to your event and spark interest.
Strategic Timelines Streamline Deadlines
Your marketing plan should include a timeline of when announcements go out. Building hype means creating excitement and a few ways to do that is through deadlines. Use those dates to develop messages that communicate a sense of urgency, a clear call to action or general awareness of what is happening. Actively share promotional announcements on time as you are leading up to the event to ensure you meet goals and allow time for your audience to act.
This process will also build excitement for committed attendees and get them talking on your behalf. Word of mouth is one of the best and oldest ways to hype a corporate event and all you had to do was strategically promote from the comfort of your laptop.
Tip: Pre-event promotions such as “early-bird registration coming soon” or incentive messages are prime subjects to share. For example, there’s nothing like telling members that early-bird registration has closed to get them to register at regular price before costs go up at the door.
8 Methods to Build the Hype
There are a multitude of ways to promote your event, but these practices are effective and cater to the digital landscape. Don’t be afraid to try something new — take a chance and switch up an element that is routine.
- Videos can be an easy way to engage and entice your audience. Providing a teaser of what your target audience can expect is one way to get them engaged from the start. You can announce the event with a high-energy reel featuring highlights from past events or you can film a brief FAQ that goes over the details at a high level. Think about what images and testimonials could create the biggest impact among your audience and package them together in a video that is easy to share and quick to watch.
Tip: Use videos to cross-promote your events onsite or during your videoconference before a meeting begins.
- Target your competitors’ events. Most corporate marketers and influencers start promoting two to three months out for smaller events or four to six months out for larger events. Tap into your competitors’ audiences to amplify your brand. These people are already interested in what you offer — lean into that.
- Search your network and social influencers to help promote. Think about who has influence within your industry — and they don’t have to be a celebrity with thousands of followers on social media. Consider the thought leaders your potential attendees admire and listen to. Partner with speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and attendees who could speak to the value your organization brings. Provide a marketing kit for these individuals.
- Implement targeted pop-up ads on your website. Specifically promote ads that only pop up for individuals who are interested in the event.
- Use promotional ads. Promote your event through various social media platforms through paid ads. These help generate awareness on the social sites you audiences use.
- Include event information in your email signature. Design your email signature to include a graphic that calls attention to the event, as well as a link to registration. This is a subtle way to promote the event to your contacts and others you’re reaching out to.
- Use flash sales and promo codes. Create urgency around participating in the event. Include information about the sales and discount codes in your various communications so potential attendees can easily access them.
- Promote in advance. Share information about your upcoming event at other internal corporate events or wherever appropriate. Emphasize your value in a way that makes it hard not to attend.
Using these strategies can help maximize your message and bring awareness to your organization’s event among your target audiences. Knowing your audience, being timely in your communications and incorporating a sense of urgency can get your attendees excited about showing up to your event, getting engaged and using word of mouth to help build the hype for you.