Policy forum

NCSEA expands its audience with Policy Forum Connected

When the National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) couldn’t hold its annual Policy Forum as an in-person event in Washington, D.C., MCI USA’s NCSEA team created 2021 Policy Forum Connected, a five-day virtual conference focused on the timely theme “Moving Towards Equity Through Policy.” With a robust agenda that included 12 plenary sessions and three discussion groups, Policy Forum Connected drew nearly double the projected attendance, including a number of first-time attendees who wouldn’t have been able to attend the in-person event. We rounded out the experience by giving each attendee a virtual bag that included materials from sponsors. 



  • 700+ attendees (when 375 had been projected) 
  • Overwhelmingly positive feedback on the theme, program, and virtual platform 
  • Valuable insights and perspectives from new audience 


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