In addition, we leverage our expertise and resources to amplify the impact of non-profit organisations. We understand their limitations in staging major fundraising events, and we fill that gap by lending our skills, reach and purchasing power to create impactful events that truly move the needle.
Our commitment to community outreach is not just about social responsibility; it's about creating a fulfilling and enriching work environment for our people. By allowing them to use their skills for good, we foster a deeper sense of purpose and satisfaction that transcends a paycheck.
The following initiatives offer a snapshot of the great work our teams undertake around the world.
MCI Brazil
Bianca Mazeron, HR Coordinator and sustainability champion at MCI Brazil, says, “Companies are made up of people and if we don't understand people, we won't build a good company. People like dealing with people. Through our outreach initiatives, our people are happier and more participative, engaged and creative, raising the spirit of belonging. Employees say that they find it gives meaning to life, as a purpose, as part of a larger work.
“Our engagement rate is high, satisfaction rate is high, so actions are always very necessary. We see this reflection even at events, as producers are increasingly engaged in extending community actions to the events they produce, as a way of contributing to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) causes and also as a way of giving back to society.”
The initiatives are led by MCI Brazil’s Diversity or ESG squads and promoted in a strategic way. “We measure the results so that people can monitor and check where and how their efforts are being applied, and our engagement squad listens to employees and so we can chart new paths according to the collective's perception.
“Brazilians in general know the importance of getting involved in projects with the community. We live in a country with a lot of discrepancy, so people know that all contributions are valid.”
The initiatives Team MCI Brazil has been involved in include:
- Casa dos curumins: Giving back to society is more than MCI’s duty. During the year, we chose to support Casa do Curumins, which promotes the sociocultural inclusion of children, adolescents, young people and elderly people in situations of social vulnerability.
At the beginning of the year, MCI Brazil introduced the Curumins Band to clients at the MCI Awards. Our team donated clothes and food, and at the end of last year delivered Christmas gifts to 102 children - every MCI talent made a monetary contribution as did MCI Brazil, and we sourced more than 100 children’s books to donate. - Casa 1: Casa 1 is a civil society project, made up mostly of volunteers, focusing on the LGBTQIAPN+ community, and providing housing and reception, a social clinic and cultural centre. MCI Brazil donated computers and hygiene products.
- Black Consciousness Day: 20 November is Black Awareness Day in Brazil, and the date on which Zumbi dos Palmares, a symbol of the struggle for the liberation of black people during slavery, died in 1695. MCI Brazil’s Diversity Squad prepared three educational activities. Bianca explains:
“First, we paid a visit to the Afro Brasil Museum, to learn a little more about black history and its personalities. Then we followed the SP Negra Walk with an accredited guide, who recounted the black history that was erased in the city centre. And finally, we opened our office kitchen for a diasporic culinary anthropology class with a chef, religious leader, speaker and activist in favour of rescuing black culture in the country, where our talents got their hands dirty and They made the famous fire (spicy) cake, the acarajé! - Dom Bosco: During our Dream Day, we collected items to donate to SAICA - Institutional Reception Service for Children and Adolescents of Obra Social Dom Bosco – located in a suburb of São Paulo, which shelters children from 0 to 17 years of age. Items donated included children’s and adults diapers, personal hygiene products, milk and clothes. Plus MCI Brazil donated R$6,000 to rebuilding some bathrooms at the institution.
“The MCI USA Association Solutions team is committed to supporting our community,” says Aisha France Marketing Coordinator, Sales Solutions & Services at MCI USA. “Our efforts include fundraising and volunteering with the USO (United Service Organizations) to support military members and their families.”
Aisha explains that the CSI team has grouped activities into several key areas:
- Supporting Families: “We've cooked meals at Ronald McDonald House, organised food drives, and delivered essentials to local homeless shelters, including a partnership with Empower4Life.”
- Community Engagement: “Our team has volunteered with local retirement communities and fire departments, bringing meals, arranging and delivering flowers, and even washing fire trucks.”
- Youth and Education: “We've actively supported underserved children through book drives for Patterson Park and volunteering with Art With a Heart for interactive art classes. Additionally, we've supported She Believes in Me's efforts by assembling emotional support kits for children in the Northern Virginia community.”
- Environmental Initiatives: “We've aided Civic Works in creating green spaces for Baltimore's Park Heights area. Picked up trash on local highways and the neighbourhoods around our offices.”
The team’s most impactful work has been with the Baltimore Hunger Project (BHP), says Aisha: “We support BHP's efforts to tackle weekend childhood hunger by organising in-office food drives and assembling food packages for distribution in schools. The harsh realities we've learned while working with BHP drives our commitment – a child who goes hungry from the end of the school day on Friday until breakfast at school on Monday, can take up to Wednesday to have the nutrition they need to begin learning again. Our work with BHP not only aids in addressing food insecurity but also brings our team together for a meaningful cause, and strengthens our sense of community."
“MCI UAE's CSR 2023 initiatives were a testament to the transformative power that collective action can have on communities,” says Kavitha Prabhu. “The Wardrobe De-clutter, the All You Can Eat Lunch and the Blood Donation Drive were brilliant initiatives of compassion and giving back.”
The CSR team, comprised of Merwyn Fernandes, Emad Khourfan, Darshan Aswani, Cynthia Saber, Prajakta Narkar, Priyanka Luthra, Supriya Rajesh, Tia Sumanth, Priyank Prawal, Federica Romeo and Kavitha, have a shared belief in the power of every individual to make a positive impact on someone else's life.
Their actions resulted in saving 354 items from landfills during the Wardrobe De-clutter.
Additionally, approximately 25 items were recycled in collaboration with KISWA, offsetting 10.62 kg of carbon emissions. Their initiatives not only reduced environmental impact but also raised a substantial donation, sufficient for a year of education for three children.
Another initiative, MCI UAE's International Lunch, not only delighted taste buds but also raised funds, adding to the collective effort of supporting children's access to education. “And let's not forget the Blood Donation Drive at Dubai Medical College for Girls, where the team actively participated, contributing to essential healthcare needs,” adds Kavitha.
“The team showed us what's possible when a group of passionate individuals come together for a common cause. They saved items from landfills, provided education opportunities, and supported crucial healthcare needs. Their commitment to making a positive impact resonates as a beacon of inspiration.
“Let's embrace the spirit of generosity and philanthropy, making a conscious choice to be instruments of change in our communities," says Kavitha. "Whether through time, talent or resources, each of us has a unique offering to bring to the table. Together, we can create a ripple effect of compassion that extends far beyond our immediate circles. Here's to a year of uplifting each other and leaving an everlasting legacy of positive change!”
MCI Germany
Martina Kritz, Senior Finance Administrator with MCI Germany, is one of our sustainability champions. She outlines some of the community initiatives her team has been involved in:
- Biking challenge: Nono Konopka was a keynote speaker at our internal celebration day. He and his friend made a bike ride to China to raise money to build a school. So we took him as inspiration and dedicated the summer of 2023 to collect bike-ride kilometres. These were converted into Euros and the total amount (2000 Euros) was donated to make a difference in the lives of the children supported by Pencils of Promise.
- Writing against loneliness: Post mit herz (mail with a heart) is an initiative to fight loneliness. The idea is simple: people living in nursing homes or shelters receive a friendly letter or card at Easter or Christmas time. This initiative interrupts the loneliness experienced and creates a moment of joy. The MCI Germany team wrote over 140 letters and cards. Over the course of the campaign, more than 120 000 cards were sent by German citizens.
Spain and Portugal
Sonia Nicolau, Director Business Services at MCI Spain recounts two more initiatives:
“In Portugal, we took a proactive step to combat food waste and support families in need. Our Lisbon team collaborated with ReFood to donate all leftover food and groceries from an event in Troia. The local organisation acts as a human bridge between excess and necessity and helps reduce food waste by donating it to those in need.
“In Spain we chose to repurpose locally supplied centre-pieces. After a weeklong event in Madrid, our team donated the floral centre pieces from the gala dinner to a local nursing home. With this small gesture we were able to bring joy and excitement to the lives of the residents and make a small impact in our community.”
MCI’s commitment to community outreach is not just about social responsibility; it's about creating a fulfilling and enriching work environment for our people. By allowing them to use their skills for good, we foster a deeper sense of purpose and satisfaction.
If you'd like to find out how we can help you deliver activations with purpose and implement effective cause-marketing within your community, contact MCI today. Let's make a difference where it counts.