what is event production

How to ensure consistent quality in global event production

Managing any successful company event has its challenges, as anyone with this responsibility will attest to. However, when dealing with global events across multiple locations, disparate teams and resources can make the task much trickier. Global event production takes a lot more planning in order to ensure consistent standards are maintained across the board.

At MCI, we help clients from a variety of different cultures and geographical locations. From Bordier’s 175th anniversary in Geneva to VM Ware’s Inaugural event in Brazil, we have years of know-how in connecting with audiences from all kinds of backgrounds and delivering memorable experiences regardless of location.

Consistent quality is the ultimate aim of global events, however, the variables increase dramatically when more than one location is involved, meaning that success calls for a well-structured strategy to ensure that every attendee, irrespective of where the event is, ends up with a deeper connection with the company organising it. 

In this article, we examine what this strategy entails, and the various stakeholders that need to be accommodated in order for uniformly inspiring events to ensue. We’ll begin by reinforcing the importance of consistently high standards at every event your organisation holds.

Why consistent quality in global event production matters

What is global event production beyond the obvious? Well, it encompasses far more than mere logistics. We’ll see as we move through this article that it also includes a myriad of components such as cultural sensitivity, and tech integration, in order to engage with diverse audiences in a consistently meaningful way.

The question is, why is it so important to deliver great events every time? First and foremost, it’s a matter of brand image and reputation. Companies able to hit the mark every time and offer memorable experiences enhance public perception while building trust and loyalty among attendees, be they online or in person.

Other compelling reasons include:

  • Audience engagement - when an individual attends an event and has their expectations met, or even exceeded, it tends to leave a lasting impression on them. This often compels them to return for future events while telling others of the positive experience they’ve had. However, it’s not unheard of for someone to visit two different brand events for the same company. If the same high standards aren’t maintained from event to event, any loyalty generated could be impacted. As such, offering the same, memorable experience, regardless of experience, is crucial. 
  • Operational efficiency - Another bi-product of having a consistent global event production strategy in place is improved operations. By standardising these processes, teams can work more effectively while minimising the chances of errors being made. Also, resources are saved, along with precious time. 

In short, running events to a set of consistently high standards is crucial for how your brand is perceived and how well-oiled your operations are. If you’re able to do so and create resonating experiences every time, you can position yourself as an innovator in your field. 

Detailed planning and preparation

As you might expect, successful global event production takes a good deal of hard work and deep thought. That work starts in the planning and preparation stage so that you have the necessary foundations in place. Thorough research is required to understand the unique requirements of each event, including potential cultural nuances, and local regulations.

You’ll also need to set clear objectives in terms of what you want the event to achieve, as it will help to guide all subsequent planning decisions. Other elements that need to be fully planned out include logistics, technical requirements, and budget management.

Detailed timelines and checklists

An updatable roadmap should be created with detailed timelines and checklists to keep every task on track. Used at every global event you hold, this roadmap will ensure that every aspect of the event is executed smoothly and aligned with company methodologies. Naturally, the parameters and challenges will differ from location to location. 

As such, your efforts need to include collaboration with reliable local partners and vendors who offer priceless local knowledge and expertise. This approach was employed to great effect by the MCI team at London Tech Week - an event aimed at attracting Asian companies into European markets - to ensure that the content appealed to both UK and Asian attendees. 

global event production

Leveraging Technology

Assistance is available to event managers in the digital age in the form of modern technologies that support consistent quality across global event production. Advanced event management software packages are able to streamline the planning and execution phases, allowing you to more easily coordinate all the various different moving parts - from guest management to audience engagement analytics. 

Virtual and hybrid event platforms also represent another indispensable tool that allows companies to broaden their reach and engagements. They offer real-time communication tools, facilitating collaboration between teams that may be spread across the world. 

Building a skilled and reliable team 

The old adage of a company’s most valuable asset being its people endures and it absolutely applies when talking about global event production. Nothing of what we’ve spoken about so far is possible without a skilled team in your corner to support the process. 

When recruiting for this team, it’s necessary to hire people who can handle the complexities of event organisation involving different locations and cultural contexts. They must possess the required technical skills but also have strengths in problem-solving, creativity and adaptability. 

Local expertise is crucial 

We’ve briefly touched upon the importance of catering for cultural nuances, but it’s worth reiterating, as it’s very important to your event’s success. By hiring people with local expertise, you’ll not only have someone who understands any regional logistical challenges that might exist, but also insight into local customs, traditions, communication styles, and social norms.

Once your team is in place, continuous training and development is wise, so that their skills are updated in line with the latest industry trends and technologies. Staying ahead of the curve in this way is essential when attempting to innovate in this space. 

Whichever way you look at it, a skilled, trained team led by highly focused leaders is a non-negotiable when it comes to exceeding event expectations on a regular basis.

Ensuring clear communication

Needless to say, clear communication is another essential element for the successful execution of your events. The only way to ensure it’s present is to ensure that robust protocols are established for communicating with your teams, clients, vendors and other stakeholders.

There’s a whole host of options available, such as traditional email, instant messaging platforms, video conferencing and project management software. They serve to keep everyone on the same page, regardless of geographical location.

Finding the right tool for the job

Which is the best communication tool for global event production? That depends on the events you’re planning. Start by identifying your events’ specific requirements, as they will inform you as to whether you need access to functions like real-time collaboration, face-to-face meetings or file sharing. 

Other factors like the size and complexity of your events and the geographical spread of your team play their part. The same applies for the preferred options of the teams involved, as their insights will tell you a lot about what works best. 

Also, be sure to test different options within your teams to assess effectiveness and compatibility with other event management software you might be using. Finally, don’t forget to ensure that the tool you use is safe for your data and has reliable customer support available when required for everyone in your teams.

Quality control and continuous improvement 

As is the case with many other business processes, your approach to your global event product is subject to alterations in line with industry changes. Maintaining consistently high standards also involves identifying potential issues before they impact your event. By carrying out our regular equipment tests, and process evaluations, you’ll ensure that nothing is overlooked.

Every event you hold provides you with lots of actionable data with which to refine your future productions, sourced via attendee surveys, data analysis and more. What worked well can be repeated while other areas can be adjusted. You’ll find that every exceptional event experience goes through a constant process of assessment and refinement.

Need help creating a consistently amazing event experience? Our experts are ready to assist

Amazing event experiences don’t happen by accident. They’re the result of a huge amount of planning and preparation, and that’s even more applicable when it comes to creating a consistently amazing experience across many different locales. Exceptional global event production takes a considered approach, incorporating many parts, as we’ve seen here. 

The complexity and expertise required for such an undertaking lead many to partner with an agency to help them create events that hit the high notes every time. That’s why many choose to work with us, as we have a great deal of know-how in this area. 

At MCI, our team is responsible for some of the most impactful events happening around the world. We’re the people experts and our engagement expertise is what allows us to help clients inspire interest and start conversations with their target audiences. 

To find out more about us and the work we do, take a good look around our website that’s replete with examples of our past work. Alternatively, to chat with our team about how we can help you, enter your details into our contact form today. 

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