marketing strategies for nonprofit organizations

What are the best marketing strategies for NGOs & CROs in today's digital age?

As leaders of NGOs and Cause-Related Organisations (CROs) across the world know all too well, the constant struggle exists to ensure funding remains strong in a competitive donor environment. That's why your CRO or NGO marketing plan needs to be sound and make use of all available resources.

The demand for humanitarian assistance worldwide is greater than ever, meaning that there are fewer resources to go around. The good news is that the modern, digital landscape offers unprecedented opportunities for outreach, engagement, and fundraising—something we focus on in some detail in this article.

Any marketing for a non-profit organisation needs to blend traditional values and innovative digital tactics to create the necessary resonance to stand out in this crowded sphere. As we move through this article, we'll offer some actionable insight that allows you to amplify your message and foster deeper connections with your target audience.

CRO & NGO marketing needs to fully leverage social media

With an ever-increasing number of people spending more time on social media platforms, it's a marketing avenue that needs to be fully leveraged. In 2023, more than five billion people regularly used platforms like TikTok and Facebook, meaning a huge potential for new donors.

Leveraging social media in this way for your CRO and NGO marketing starts with choosing the right platforms, which requires understanding where potential supporters hang out. Facebook is a good option for community building and the sharing of detailed posts, whereas Twitter - a platform that was used to great effect by MCI France at the Paris Peace Forum - excels in its ability to send out real-time updates. 

On the other hand, Instagram is the ideal social media platform for visual storytelling, and TikTok is the channel of choice for short-form videos that can rapidly go viral. The avenue you take should be based on who you're trying to reach and your values and goals as a non-profit organisation.

Social media influencer partnerships can be very impactful

Naturally, any marketing for non-profit organisations needs to be engaging and full of success stories, glimpses behind the scenes, and news of the good work you're doing. Educational posts and infographics can be used, along with videos and live sessions that allow people to interact with you in real time. The goal here is to create as much buzz as possible.  

Partnering with influencers and other celebrity advocates can be hugely beneficial in amplifying your reach. By reaching out to people who align with your mission and values, you can tap into their follower base, generating increased visibility and credibility for your organisation. The authentic power of word-of-mouth influencers can be immense.

The value of engaging content marketing

As any good non-profit marketing agency will tell you, great content marketing involves telling stories that create emotional connections with people. Engaging on this level is vital, as it's a key part of drawing in the support that non-profits need to survive. Sharing stories about individuals and communities makes your work relatable and more likely to motivate someone to contribute. 

Content that forms part of an engaging CRO or NGO marketing plan needs to be published consistently so that any feeling generated by your posts is nurtured and grown. Whether showcasing your organisation's achievements or telling people about your future plans, your written blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts, and more should offer a detailed narrative of your ongoing fight to meet the needs of the underserved.

Building interest through content and SEO

Targeted communication was used by the MCI USA team when working for the National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) back in 2021. Their Moving Towards Equity Through Policy-themed virtual event was only expected to attract 375 attendees, but digital content was used to generate interest and attract more than 700 people on the day.

Something else a reputable non-profit marketing agency will work on as part of your CRO or NGO marketing plan is SEO to increase the visibility of the content you put out. This requires comprehensive keyword research to be performed, with the most suitable keywords being introduced into the main body of your content, as well metadescriptions and titles. 

That said, your keyword-rich content needs to read naturally otherwise, you’ll fall foul of Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) guidelines. Building backlinks is also an important part of ranking your content on search engines. 

ngo marketing

Email campaigns

With all of the bells and whistles on offer from social media in the modern era, it would be easy to overlook email as an effective marketing channel. The truth is, it's as strong and relevant as ever and a crucial tool for your CRO/NGO marketing strategy. 

Using a systematic approach, you can grow your email list and greatly broaden your reach. This channel works together with your social media profiles and website to create a loyal and engaged following. Lead magnets like free webinars, eBooks and other incentives can also be employed to encourage sign-ups for little or no cost at all. 

Other aspects of email campaigns to be aware of include:

  • Segmentation is another useful tool for ensuring that the content you create is specifically tailored to each person's interests and values. Your base can be grouped by factors like volunteer activity, event attendance, and donation history. This high level of personalisation is crucial in making people feel like you're speaking directly to them, which boosts the chances of a strong connection and a contribution being made. 
  • Automation Tools can be a big time-saver when it comes to managing your email marketing efforts. Configured in the right way, responses are triggered when certain actions are taken so that your team is not weighed down by having to respond to every interaction personally.
    As your campaign grows and your email base grows, these automation tools also help with segmentation and performance tracking so you can spend your time in other important areas of your business. 

Strategic partnerships

We briefly touched upon partnerships with influencers a moment ago as part of marketing strategies for nonprofit organisations. However, this can be taken to a whole new level to breathe life into your marketing campaigns. The impact of your charitable organisation partnering with big businesses can open your cause up to much broader audiences. 
As can be seen by MCI UK & Netherlands work on the One Young World Summit, strong working relationships were formed with major corporations like BP, Johnson & Johnson, Jaguar Land Rover and Coca-Cola. These partnerships were pivotal to the success of the summit and meaningfully expanded the event's impact and reach.

Corporate social responsibility initiatives

CRO and NGO marketing is typically aimed at an audience with a high level of ethics and fairness at its core. Naturally, Corporate Social Responsibility values are likely to be important to this demographic. By leveraging CSR initiatives, non-profit organisations can demonstrate their commitment to striving for good and partner with businesses. 

The mutually advantageous nature of this collaboration makes it easier to find interested businesses and access benefits like increased visibility and volunteer and financial support. Your organisation benefits, but so do the businesses you partner with, as they get to show themselves as companies with ethically aligned values.

Utilising analytics

Along with all of the benefits that technology has brought to CRO/NGO marketing, the ability to monitor the success of your campaigns is greater than ever. Google Analytics is just one of the many tools that can offer details insights into the kind of engagement and reach you're achieving. 

Social media platforms also offer tools that allow interaction to be tracked to the nth degree, with user behaviour, conversion rates and more able to be closely monitored. Even if your marketing plan is hitting the heights from the outset, there are always improvements that can be made, and this insight tells you what to adjust and by how much.

As a CEO, Executive Director, President, Board Member or Volunteer Leader of an NGO or CRO, you need to keep all stakeholders informed of how your efforts are progressing. By keeping a firm grip on key metrics and areas for improvement, you can reassure supporters that your organisation—and their donations—are in safe hands. 

Need help with your organisation's marketing efforts? Talk to the experts

An impactful non-profit marketing plan requires a holistic approach that utilises every tool in your toolbox. It's important to leverage the power of social media and email marketing and create a constant stream of engaging content that encourages interaction. Making the right partnerships can also have a huge impact on your success. 

It's all about doing everything you can to shine a bright light on your values and the good your organisation does in the world. It can be a complex task with various moving parts, which is why many choose to engage with an experienced marketing agency for support. 

At MCI, our experienced team has the know-how needed to generate the visibility and interaction that modern NGOs and CROs need to thrive. With our assistance, non-profit organisations can attract the necessary support with innovative, thought-provoking strategies. 

To learn more about us and what we can do, take a look at our full range of engagement marketing services, which cover all aspects of inspiring people. Alternatively, get in touch with our team that's ready and waiting to help you get the results your efforts deserve. 

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