sponsor the event

Why is sport event sponsorship one of the fastest growing promotional activities today?

Sports unite people of diverse backgrounds through a shared passion. They also break down barriers and foster a collective identity. These paradigms are not up for debate. However, the question remains: Why is sports event sponsorship one of the fastest-growing promotional activities today when there are so many other options? 

In short, sporting events offer unmatched opportunities for brands to connect to massive, engaged audiences, so they're naturally going to interest sponsorship managers faced with ensuring consistent revenue streams. Demonstrating a healthy ROI and brand visibility is of the utmost importance, as is aligning your partnerships with your organisation's values. 

In this article, we look at why sport event sponsorship is thriving, focusing on the driving factors and the diverse options available. By reading on, you'll gain a clearer understanding of why this is an increasingly popular avenue used by engagement management experts

The huge appeal of sport event sponsorship

Why are sporting events so enticing for sponsorship partners? One aspect that's hard to ignore is the huge audience numbers we're talking about. Take the 2023 Rugby World Cup, for example. It was watched by a staggering 1.33 billion sports fans around the world, across all linear and non-linear programming channels. 

The Olympics, Super Bowl and FIFA World Cup are similar competitions that captivate people en masse, providing unparalleled exposure to companies. It's not just about numbers, either, as audiences are typically diverse, which allows brands to tap into new demographics and markets that would otherwise be difficult to reach via regular means. 

High emotional engagement 

What also can't be overlooked is the passion of sports fans. Rather than being 'viewers’ in the simplest sense, the engagement levels of sports followers are often off the charts, with fans identifying deeply with their favourite athletes and teams. This translates into higher engagement for sponsors, with fans more likely to support brands juxtaposed with their beloved sporting heroes.

Whether talking about a company’s branding emblazoned across a football shirt or an event's official beverage, the reach of sponsors in elevated environments like major sporting events can be profound and long-lasting in the mind. 

ROI and brand visibility

Another compelling reason why sport event sponsorship is growing so rapidly is the rich potential in terms of return on investment (ROI). A successful sponsorship campaign can generate substantial returns for campaigns - hence the reason why the likes of Coca-Cola and VISA choose to become long-term partners with the Olympics.

Repeated exposure at sports events can play a major role in building brand recognition and developing customer loyalty, as consistent association with popular events and teams becomes ingrained in the minds of audiences. This constant visibility leads to people choosing these brands over their competition at those critical purchasing moments. 

Cross-channel marketing

Sport event sponsorship can also benefit significantly from cross-channel marketing, with integrated marketing strategies playing out over various different platforms. Long gone are the days when the action from athletic championships and football tournaments was consumed solely through the television. 

Live broadcasts can now be enjoyed on many types of digital device and complemented by social media coverage, sports-focused content marketing and even on-site activations where customers might get a free sample of a brand's product in and around the stadium. It’s multi-faceted, multi-touchpoint approaches like these that ensure a sponsor’s message gains exceptional visibility. 

sport event sponsorship

A diverse range of sponsorship opportunities

The truth is that there is a diverse range of opportunities that brands can use to engage with their target audiences. Each type of sponsorship might also have its own marketing objective, depending on what your organisation is trying to achieve. Let’s take a closer look at some of the options to consider. 

  • Title sponsorship - A brand may choose to have its name in the event's title itself for maximum visibility and association with the event. For instance, consider the Emirates FA Cup and the Gazprom Hungarian Grand Prix, to name but two. 
  • Presenting sponsorship - The Tour de France Presented by Skoda is an example of a presenting sponsor whose name often appears directly after the event name. Again, this offers a great deal of visibility. 
  • Official partner sponsorship - An event may have dozens of official brand sponsors split up into categories. As such, Nike could be the official footwear partner of the Olympic Games, with Mars being the official snack. 
  • In-stadium branding - Another sport event sponsorship option is on-site branding, which involves having your logo and products prominently displayed on digital screens, signage and banners within an event venue. 
  • Athlete/ team endorsements - This approach involves a company endorsing a particular athlete/team or having that team/athlete endorse their products (and perhaps wearing your logo). Either represents a mutually beneficial relationship for both sides. 
  • Hospitality packages - Sponsor might also choose to provide exclusive hospitality packages with VIP access, premium seating and excluding meet-and-greet opportunities. These unforgettable experiences can leave a long-lasting impression on the minds of the attendees.

However an organisation chooses to sponsor an event, there are rich pickings to be had in terms of visibility and brand recognition that can last for many years after the event. 

ESG and social responsibility

Events like the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) live draw have Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) values at their core, as it has never been more important to be seen as offering a fair and sustainable event for all attendees. The MCI team was part of an event that focused on waste reduction, climate-friendly transport, sustainable sourcing and inclusivity - with a gender balance among speakers and participants. 

When sponsoring an event like this it presents a valuable platform for companies to align themselves with the ESG goals on display. Community engagement was another critical aspect that formed part of FIBA's get-together. Local people in the Swiss village of Mies were the beneficiaries, something that fostered a positive association within that community and boosted FIBA's reputation as an organisation that cares. 

Social responsibility enhances your image

It’s important to incorporate ESG goals in any event sponsorship strategy, as it’s a weighty aspect in the minds of modern consumers. Studies show that 73% of global consumers would probably or definitely change their buying habits to minimise their impact on the environment, and there are similar sentiments when it comes to fair labour practices and transparency.  

By ensuring that ESG principles form an integral part of your sponsorship strategies, you showcase your commitment to making a difference. This is proven to resonate with socially conscious consumers - a segment of society that now represents the majority. A natural consequence of aligning yourself in this way is deeper customer loyalty and trust. 

Future trends in sport event sponsorship

The future of sport event sponsorship is being shaped by a number of key trends, with personalisation and evolving technology playing a large part. Firstly, technology has revolutionised how brands engage with their audiences, as social media allows for direct interactions through comments, likes, shares, and messages. 

Furthermore, when you choose to sponsor the event that suits your values most closely, super-accurate metrics can be monitored to allow you to evaluate your campaign's effectiveness in real time - a welcome feature for any sponsorship manager's peace of mind. 

Personalisation to redefine sponsorship experiences

Something else that's quickly changing the landscape of sponsorship experiences is the hyper-personalised approach that makes people feel like VIPs. Thanks to big data and the ability to interrogate that data at speed, brands can create highly targeted, highly personalised campaigns that take fan engagement to the next level.

When you're looking for the maximum ROI for your sponsorship promotions, the more you can do to enhance the fan experience, the better. 

Considering sport event sponsorship? Let us help you get the visibility you deserve

As we’ve covered, sport event sponsorship offers incredible reach and leverages the deep passions that people have with their favourite teams and stars. Why is sport event sponsorship one of the fastest growing promotional activities today? It's because it's a sphere in which engagement is naturally high, meaning the rewards are, too. 

By associating your brand with sports and events that align with your values, you can gain the brand recognition you need and build an army of vocal advocates who see you as part of the overall experience. Finding the right event to sponsor can involve a complex process, which is why it's important to work with people who understand the power of engagement. 

At MCI, our team has many years of know-how in this field, and this experience has equipped us with the skills needed to ensure your sport event sponsorship generates the visibility you're looking for. To find out more about us and what we can do, take a look at our comprehensive range of engagement marketing services that cater to a wide array of needs. 

Alternatively, if you'd prefer to talk directly with our team about what we can do for you, just enter your details into our contact form, and we'll get back to you without delay. 


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