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Gala audience immersed in Bordier’s mission and commitment to sustainability



For the brand’s 175th anniversary, international banking group Bordier wanted to celebrate this milestone with a gala dinner around the theme of sustainability. Environmental protection plays an important role in Bordier’s identity. This is evident in their sponsorship of Under the Pole, an international expedition to preserve our planet and oceans for future generations. 



Given how close the issue of sustainability is to the heart of Bordier as well as ours, MCI Geneva embarked on the mission of creating an eye-opening night that would raise awareness on the importance of protecting our planet.

The 400 guests gathered at the Art and History Museum of Geneva. For the occasion, a crystal tent, big enough to contain 400 people, was built in the garden of the museum. Giving atmosphere to this historic night were mesmerising projections surrounding guests 360 degrees – an immersive seabed environment created for this important anniversary. This way, guests could really feel as part of our planet and understand the urgency of environmental protection.

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